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TCAR Spring Education Fair – Apr 25, 2019
April 25, 2019 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Thursday, April 25, 2019
All Classes Will Be Held At The FNB Bank building in Angel Fire
Thursday, Apr 25, 2019 :: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Professionalism in Real Estate
(counts towards ethics)
4 hrs Credit: $61* $71** $81***
Instructor: Bob Treece
Thursday, Apr 25, 2019 :: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
2019 NMREC Core Course C
4 hrs Credit: $71* $81** $91***
Instructor: Bob Treece
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Member Fee* – Non-Member Fee** – Walk-In***
Please Register me for the following Classes:
____Professionalism in Real Estate – Thu, Apr 25 :: $61* $71** $81***
____NMREC Core Course C – Thu, Apr 25 :: $71* $81** $91***
Total: ______________
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
$10 Discount on each class if you pay by April 18, 2019
Name________________________R.E. LIC.#_____________________Phone#__________
Credit Card # (MC & VISA ONLY)____________________________________________________
Exp .Date: _____/________ 3-digit security#: _________ Billing Zip Code: __________________
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If paying by check, make PAYABLE TO: TCAR and mail to the above address with a copy of the registration form. You may fax the registration form (575-758-1281) or email (taoscar@newmex.com) with credit card information but payment must be received by April 18, 2019 for early registration discount. CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED (MC, Visa only). Advanced registration is suggested to ensure your admittance to the course. Walk–ins will be on a space availability basis only. No refunds or cancellations after April 18, 2019.
Please call to make sure we have received your form – SPACE IS LIMITED.